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A. N. Angelakis

A. N. Angelakis

Institution of Iraklion,Greece


 A. Angelakis is a Water Resources Engineer at the National Agric. Research Foundation, Institute of Crete, Greece and Technical Consultant of Hellenic Union of Municipal Enterprises for Water Supply and Sewerage. He has graduated from Agricultural Univ. of Athens, Greece (BS in Agronomy), UC Riverside, USA (MS in Soil Sci.), and UC Davis, USA (BS in Civil Eng., MS in Water Sci., and Ph. D. in Soil Physics). He is author/co-author of over 450 publications mostly in the scientific fields of Environmental engineering; Aquatic wastewater management systems; Small systems of water and wastewater management; Treated wastewater and reclamation and reuse; and Water and wastewater technologies in ancient civilizations. He has over 4000 SCH citations and an i10-index of 75. He has participated, mostly as invited speaker in the organizing/scientific committee of more than 120 international Symposia and/or Conferences in the last 25 years. He is Editor of Water Sciences and Technology (WST), WST: Water Supply, Public Health Frontier (PHF), Austin J. of Irrigation, and member of the Editorial Boards of Journals Water, Sustainability, International Journal of Hydrology, and  International Journal of Hydrology. He is IWA (International Water Association) Distinguished Fellow and Honorary member of IWA and of Hellenic Water Association (HWA).


Abstract : Evolution of water reuse