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Dong Ju Shin

Dong Ju Shin

Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM),Korea

Title: Recycling Process for Recovering Metals from Mixed Batteries Waste.


Biography: Dong Ju Shin


In this study, a batch recycle process for recovering valuable metals contained in mixed batteries waste (manganese-alkaline batteries; nickel-cadmium batteries; nickel-metal hydrate batteries) was established. This recycling process consists of stable heat treatment, physical pretreatment and hydrometallurgy processes. Stable heat treatment process prevented fire and explosion by batteries waste. After pulverizing the heated batteries waste, each metal was concentrated and separated into magnectic and nonmagnetic materials by magnetic separation process. Separated nonmagnetic materials were recovered with high purity ZnMnSO4, Zn metal and  MnSO4 through hydrometallurgy process such as leaching, solvent extraction, vacuum distillation and electrolytic extraction